NHERI Computational Symposium

February 5-7, 2025


February 5

Hands-on Workshops

8:00 AM       

Samueli School of Engineering

University of California, Los Angeles

8:00 - 12 pm, February 5, 2025

404 Westwood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90095 (across the street from the Luskin Center),

Mong Auditorium, Building VI, Room 180


Cost: $30 on or before Nov 1 (early-bird) and $50 through Nov 20

This workshop provides a comprehensive introduction to the application of street view imaging systems in natural hazard research and assessment. Participants will gain hands-on experience with state-of-the-art street view data collection techniques, post-processing methods, and machine learning tools for extracting valuable information from street-level imagery.

The workshop will cover:

  1. Practical demonstration of street view system set-up and car installation
  2. Overview of street view imaging technology and its relevance to natural hazards
  3. Best practices for data collection and quality control
  4. Post-processing techniques to prepare imagery for analysis
  5. Introduction to machine learning algorithms for feature extraction and classification
  6. Case studies demonstrating practical applications in various natural hazard contexts

This workshop is designed for engineers and scientists working in the natural hazards field who seek to incorporate advanced imaging and data analysis techniques into their research and assessment workflows. Participants will leave with a solid foundation for implementing these tools in their own work, enhancing their ability to identify, quantify, and mitigate potential hazards in urban and rural environments.

The RAPID Facility enables transformative research by equipping natural hazard and disaster researchers with essential resources to collect, process, and analyze perishable data from extreme events. These comprehensive open datasets enable the development and calibration of scientific natural hazard simulation models. Our work supports NSF-supported researchers, extreme event reconnaissance (EER) organizations, and federal agencies.

Questions? Email uwrapid@uw.edu

12:30 PM       

Samueli School of Engineering

University of California, Los Angeles

12:30 - 5:30 pm, February 5, 2025

404 Westwood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90095 (across the street from the Luskin Center),

Engineering Building VI


Cost: $30 on or before Nov 1 (early-bird) and $50 through Nov 20


  • Introduce SimCenter tools.
  • Introduce DesignSafe resources.
  • Learn about applications that facilitate research workflows through hands-on examples.
  • Engage and discuss with researchers, DesignSafe, and SimCenter.


12:30 pmWelcome and NHERI Overview
1:15Session 1:  Navigating quoFEM for Uncertainty QuantificationMong Auditorium, Room 180
2:30Session 2
Track 1: Storm surge modeling and data analysis using ADCIRC on DesignSafeRoom 100
Track 2: Navigating the R2D Tool and BRAILS for regional simulations and inventory developmentRoom 180
Track 3: Navigating WE-UQ for wind engineeringRoom 364
Track 4: Navigating Hydro-UQ for hydrodynamicsRoom 300
Track 5: Navigating EE-UQ and PBE Application for earthquake engineeringConference room 289
Track 6: Leveraging DesignSafe HPC Resources using OpenSees in both Structural and Geotechnical modelingTannas Alumni Suite
3:40Break and RefreshmentsLobby Breezeway
4:00Session 3 
(These tracks are duplicates of Session 2, providing you the flexibility to attend multiple tracks.)
Track 1: Storm surge modeling and data analysis using ADCIRC on DesignSafeRoom 100
Track 2: Navigating the R2D Tool and BRAILS for regional simulations and inventory developmentRoom 180
Track 3: Navigating WE-UQ for wind engineeringRoom 364
Track 4: Navigating Hydro-UQ for hydrodynamicsRoom 300
Track 5: Navigating EE-UQ and PBE Application for earthquake engineeringConference room 289
Track 6: Leveraging DesignSafe HPC Resources using OpenSees in both Structural and Geotechnical modelingTannas Alumni Suite
5:10Discussion: Accelerating research, contributing your work, and feedback.Mong Auditorium
5:30Workshop closure

Questions? Email nheri-simcenter@berkeley.edu

February 6

7:00 AM   Buffet breakfast (Centennial Ballroom)
8:30Session 1 (Centennial Ballroom)
8:30Welcome - Matthew DeJong & Seymour Spence
8:45 Latest Developments in Computational Simulation Resources for Natural Hazards Research 
- Greg Deierlein & Ellen Rathje
10:40Session 2 (Centennial Ballroom)
  • "Improving the Predictability of Building-Scale Wind Performance Coupling Physics-Based and Machine Learning Approaches." David Roueche
  • "Coupled CFD-DEM Modelling of Bio-stabilized Coastal Sand Dunes in Storm Surge." Ning Luo
  • "BuiLD-FORCE: Building-Level Damage Forecasting of Regional Coastal Events." Steven Klepac
  • "Connectivity and Coastal Infrastructure Performance Following a Cascadia Subduction Zone Multi-Hazard Event." Amina Meselhe
  • "Building Damage Assessment and Retrofitting Prioritization in Massachusetts Using High Resolution Site Characterization Map." Christina Sanon
  • "Urban Fire and High Wind Impacts on Electrical Distribution Network Performance and Restoration in the Southern Great Plains." Richard Campos
  • "Equity-Based Retrofitting to Mitigate Outage Impact Risk for Galveston’s Electric Distribution Network." Abigail Beck
  • "Combining exposure data and vulnerability models for regional multi-hazard risk assessment." Emily Mongold
  • "Application Programming Interfaces For Integrating Infrastructure Models Into A Regional System-Of-Interdependent-Systems Disaster Recovery Simulator." Nikola Blagojevic


1:00Session 3
  • "Post-Tornado Automated Building Damage Evaluation and Recovery Prediction by Integrating Remote Sensing, Deep Learning, and Restoration Models." Abdullah Braik
  • "Towards Efficient Surrogate Models for Wind Fragility in Transmission Tower Damage Assessment." Abdel-Aziz Sanad
  • "Applying the Coupled CM1 and CFD Simulation Approach to Simulate Tornado-Community Interaction." Grace Yan
  • "Fragility Analysis of Transmission Towers through Physics-Based Modeling of Tornado-Induced Wind and Debris Impact Loads." Himamshu Poudel
  • "Computer-vision enabled subassembly damage detection from hurricanes using heterogeneous reconnaissance imagery." Rachel Hamburger
  • "Observations and Analysis of Wind Pressures on Partially Elevated Coastal Buildings: Insights from Field Damage and Wind Tunnel Testing." Amal Elawady
  • "Evaluating data requirements for calibration of stochastic wind models with a focus on extreme responses." Arthriya Subgranon
  • "Holistic collapse assessment of envelope and structural systems of high-rise buildings in extreme winds." Jieling Jiang


  • "Improving hazard assessments across the Pacific Northwest using high-performance simulations of time-dependent 3D earthquakes and tsunamis." Yong Wei
  • "Modeling Sediment Movement in the Shallow-Water Framework: A Morpho-Hydrodynamic Approach with Numerical Simulations and Experimental Validation." Ernesto Guerrero-Fernandez
  • "Tsunami-induced Scour and Structural Response: Insights from Large-Scale Flume Experiments." Seyedalireza Mirghafouri
  • "Uncertainty Quantification in Tsunami-Driven Debris Damming at Elevated Coastal Structures Using Non-Deterministic Kriging." Jayasekara R. Jayasekara
  • "Machine learning for enhancing tsunami damage assessment in coastal areas: insights from the 2011 Great East Japan event." Anna Rita Scorzini
  • "Parameterized Fragility Functions of Coastal Bridges due to Tsunami Induced Wave Loadings." Waqas Iqbal
  • "WebGPU for Coastal Hazards: Making State-of-the-Art Available to All." Patrick Lynett


  • "A Causal Perspective on Basin Effects." Rashid Shams
  • "Performing probabilistic liquefaction hazard analysis inside the hazard integral, including impacts of sea level rise." Meera L. Kota
  • "Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines Model Predictions for Seismic-Induced Landslide Displacements: A Comparative Study of two input datasets." Alireza Eskandarinejad
  • "Recent Developments in Hazard Modeling from a Particulate Perspective." Estefan Garcia
  • "A Framework for Forecasting and Runout Estimation of Regional Co-Seismic Landslides." Weibing Gong
  • "Validation of hybrid broadband ground-motion simulation for large-magnitude earthquakes in New Zealand." Cesar Pajaro Miranda
  • "Application of Machine Learning Algorithms in Calibrating Plasticity Models for Liquefiable Geosystems." Maziar Mivehchi
  • "On the potential of physics informed neural networks for geotechnical earthquake engineering." Chenying Liu


This session provides an overview of the BRAILS and R2D tools developed by SimCenter, highlighting their individual capabilities and how they can be integrated for comprehensive natural hazard loss assessments. BRAILS is a powerful computational engine designed to automatically generate detailed inventories of building and infrastructure elements.  R2D is a desktop software application that integrates BRAILS and other tools/libraries for characterizing hazard events, and simulating damage and losses across large inventories of buildings and civil infrastructure. Recent enhancements have expanded the capabilities of both BRAILS and R2D to assess the post-disaster performance of transportation and lifeline infrastructure systems and simulate community recovery. Through user experiences, this session will highlight how BRAILS and R2D support research and teaching in regional natural hazard simulation and assessment, offering powerful tools for improving resilience and risk evaluation.


1:00 - 1:05: Welcome and Introductions

1:05 - 1:15: Introduction to BRAILS

1:15 - 1:25: Introduction to R2D

1:25 - 1:50: R2D User Experiences

  • Luis Ceferino, Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley
    • Teaching Module: Hurricane Risk Modeling for Power Systems
    • Research Opportunities
  • Christina Sanon, Graduate Student Researcher, Tufts University
    • A Personal Journey with R2D: Insights
  • Brianna Hansen, Graduate Student Researcher, University of Washington
    • Seismic Assessment of Highway Bridges on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State
  • Tinger Zhu, Graduate Student Researcher, Stanford University
    • Impact of Transportation Disruptions on Regional Economic Recovery

1:50 - 2:00: BRAILS User Experiences

  • Annette Roberts, Predictive Analytics Director, EMC Insurance
    • Using BRAILS for Augmenting Insurance Exposure Data
  • Jeffrey Berman, Professor, University of Washington
    • Automating Feature Extraction from NHERI RAPID Data with BRAILS

2:00 - 2:20: Discussion


2:40Session 4
  • "Modeling Collective Emotional Polarization in Response to Hazards." Xiaolei Chu
  • "Modeling Household Decision-Making for Structural Retrofit Processes." Maria Porada
  • "Comprehending Regional Risk Analysis: Integrating Dynamic Building Inventory into a Multi-stakeholder Decision-making Framework." Jingya Wang
  • "FLEE: An agent-based modeling framework to understand and improve hurricane evacuations." Austin Harris
  • "A Regional Scale Markov State Transition Modeling Framework for Prediction of Post-Disaster Mental Health Impacts in Disadvantaged Communities." Lyndon Kov
  • "Comparative analysis of macroeconomic models for indirect impacts of disasters." Tinger Zhu
  • "Addressing Gaps in FEMA’s Public Assistance: The Role of Private Insurance and Public-Private Partnerships." Diako Abbasi


  • "High Fidelity Direct Numerical Simulations of Intense Wave-Wall Impacts." Hunter Boswell
  • "The implications of CFD mesh design on building wind loads." Tsinuel Geleta
  • "Assessing Hydrodynamic Impact of Debris Accumulation on Bridges Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling." Fahad Pervaiz
  • "Quantifying Combined Wind-wave Loads on Offshore Wind Turbines." Chao Sun
  • "Drone-base Photogrammetry for the simulation of Wind Field and Associated loads on Buildings in Urban Clusters." Ahsan Kareem
  • "Towards developing a comprehensive aerodynamic database for low-rise buildings using CFD: validation against wind tunnel data." Abiy Melaku


  • "Regional hazard and exposure modeling for wildfire risk assessment." Gabriela Calana Somoza
  • "The Role of Social Networks in Shaping Evacuation Behavior: A Case Study of the 2018 Campfire in Paradise, California." Behnam Tahmasbi
  • "Transport of Firebrands using an Eulerian Multiphase Approach to model simulations at Community Level." Tanmay Vora
  • "RoofSense: An AI-Based Algorithm for Mapping Roof Types Using High-Resolution Satellite Data." Zafer Yilmaz
  • "A Stochastic Subset Selection Approach for Efficient Regional Wildfire Risk Assessment." Vishnupriya Jonnalagadda
  • "Advances in modeling of wildfire impacts on reinforced concrete infrastructure." Thomas Gernay
  • "Human-centered Computational Approach to Social-technical Wildfire Resilience Research." Haizhong Wang
  • "Vulnerability Analysis of Buildings In WUI using High-Resolution Satellite Data and Interpretable Machine Learning." Patrick Hadinata


This session introduces SimCenter’s quoFEM application, a tool designed to enable Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) analyses for computational simulation models. Through its graphical interface, quoFEM guides users through four steps in setting up UQ analyses: selecting a UQ algorithm and options, specifying model scripts, defining input probability distributions, and identifying model outputs.

With quoFEM, users can propagate uncertainties in both model parameters and the models themselves, evaluating their impact on quantities of interest. If data is available, quoFEM also supports updating these uncertainty distributions. To handle the computational demands of UQ analyses, quoFEM enables seamless job execution on high-performance computing resources through DesignSafe, accessible directly from the user’s local computer.

This session will showcase a variety of UQ analysis options within quoFEM, including global sensitivity analysis, surrogate modeling, multi-fidelity Monte Carlo simulation, and surrogate-aided Bayesian calibration for computationally expensive models through examples to demonstrate opportunities for adapting uncertainty quantification into active research and proposal ideas.


4:20Session 5 (Centennial Ballroom)
  • "LES for wind load analysis: The future is now." Catherine Gorle
  • "Smart and equitable models for quantifying multi-hazard risk and resilience of infrastructure." Jamie Padgett
  • "A Workflow for Evaluating Wildfire Risk in Wildland-Urban Interface Communities." Negar Elhami-Khorasani


5:15Plenary Closure
5:15 - 7:15   Poster Session & Reception


February 7

7:00 - 8:15 AM  Buffet Breakfast (Centennial Ballroom)
8:30Session 6 (Centennial Ballroom)
8:30Welcome & SimCenter Roundtable - Matthew DeJong
9:40Session 7
  • "Resilience Assessment of Networked Systems Through Model Integration and Model Interoperability." Raul Rincon
  • "Physical-Social Community Resilience Simulation and Validation via Longitudinal Tornado Reconnaissance Studies." Wanting (Lisa) Wang
  • "Modeling and Computational Challenges in Post-disaster Building Recovery under Multiple Hazard Scenarios." Pouria Kourehpaz
  • "Leveraging Machine Learning and AI for Enhanced Tornado Resilience in Community Infrastructure." Pramodit Adhikari
  • "Uncovering Social Inequities in Flood Risk: A Bayesian Network Analysis for Urban Vulnerability." Fuad Hasan
  • "Role of Mangrove Forests in Housing Infrastructure Resilience During Tropical Storms." Catalina Gonzalez-Duenas


  • "Regional risk estimation using Gaussian Process metamodeling: application to storm-surge hazard." Alexandros Taflanidis
  • "Computationally Efficient Regional Hazard Response Prediction Leveraging Sparse Graph Neural Networks." Parisa Toofani Movaghar
  • "Efficient Coastal Flood-Inundation Mapping Using Machine Learning-Enhanced Static Model." Armando Ulises Santos Cruz
  • "Efficient real-time probabilistic storm surge risk assessment through adaptive multi-fidelity Monte Carlo." WoongHee Jung
  • "Introducing coastal ecosystems in flood risk models for valuing nature-based solutions for coastal resilience and climate adaptation." Ali Rezaie


  • "Model-to-data validation of coastal flood damage models for buildings impacted by Hurricane Ian (2022) at Fort Myers Beach, Florida." Mehrshad Amini
  • "Post-Disaster Damage Assessment from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery using D-LinkNet with Hierarchical Transformer Difference Blocks." Shivam Shrivastava
  • "Hurricane Wind Loss Modeling Using Insurance Claims Data." Nii Otu Tackie-Otoo
  • "Capturing Wood Rot Implications for Community Resilience through Multi-scale Modeling." Garrett Tatum
  • "NED: A refactored Nonstructural Element Database for performance-based engineering." Dustin Cook
  • "Collective Behaviors and Phase Transitions in Regional Seismic Risk Metrics." Sebin Oh


This session introduces the advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) capabilities implemented within SimCenter’s WE-UQ tool to enable computational wind engineering studies. These features include streamlined CFD workflows to assess the wind-induced loads and responses on structures. The session begins by discussing the key steps needed for a successful CFD-based wind load simulation inlight of the recent advances in computational wind engineering. Next, the implemented CFD-based workflow is described in detail emphasizing the newly incorporated features that allow users to create or import building geometries, generate automated unstructured mesh, define boundary conditions, run simulations on HPC resources provided by DesignSafe, and post-process results. Finally, the developed workflow is demonstrated through two examples: the first illustrates creating a digital twin of an existing wind tunnel testing facility and validating it against experimental data; the second example applies the workflow to evaluate cladding and overall loads on a high-rise building.


11:00Session 8
  • "Dynamic risk modeling of civil infrastructure systems susceptible to multihazard impact." Eyitayo Opabola
  • "High-resolution risk assessment of railway networks: A case study of the Bay Area Rapid Transit system." Miguel Gomez
  • "Assessing Post-Earthquake Emergency Healthcare Accessibility Considering Damage to Hospital Buildings and Transportation Infrastructure." Kiranjot Kaur
  • "Validating Wharf Damage at Port of Oakland from the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake: A Study of Liquefaction Effects Using Earthquake Simulations and Uncertainty Quantification." Sajan K C
  • "Shakemaps for the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake in Nepal using Finite Element Analyses of Surveyed Buildings." Andreas Stavridis
  • "Assessing building damage after the 2021 Nippes earthquake and the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquake sequence: a Machine Learning approach using post-event Very High Resolution SAR data." Giorgia Giardina


  • "Development of A Combined Hurricane Storm Surge and River Runoff Model for the Texas Coast to understand transitional zones." Eirik Vasleth
  • "A framework for managing life-cycle risk of coastal bridge network using digital twin technology." Minghui Cheng
  • "Preparing for future hazards amplified by sea-level rise: Considering impacts to infrastructure and intelligent agents." Dylan Sanderson
  • "EV Charging Station Accessibility and Usage During Extreme Weather Events: Insights from Hurricane Beryl." Safoura Safari
  • "Non-locality and Spillover Effects of Residential Flood Damage on Community Recovery: Insights from High-resolution Flood Claim and Mobility Data." Junwei Ma
  • "Robust design of earthen levees in the face of flood hazards." Lei Wang


  • "From Uncertainty Toward Action: Climate Risk Modeling and Robust Decision-Making Under Uncertainty." Simona Meiler
  • "Long Short-Term Memory Networks as Emulators for Nonlinear Structural Dynamic Finite Element (FE) Models." Abdoul Aziz Sandotin Coulibaly
  • "Leveraging multi-source data for enhanced flood damage modeling with explicit input uncertainty management." Mario Di Bacco
  • "Metamodeling of Dynamic Nonlinear Systems with Uncertainties Through Graph Neural Networks." Haimiti Atila
  • "Metamodeling of High-Dimensional Nonlinear Stochastic Systems through Autoencoders and LSTM Networks." Seymour M.J. Spence


This session will introduce the high-performance computing (HPC) resources available through DesignSafe, including multi-node clusters, GPU-enabled systems, and research storage capabilities, along with the streamlined process to gain access. Demonstrations will showcase research workflows using software such as OpenSees, ADCIRC, ML tools, and OpenFoam. Participants will learn multiple approaches to job submission, including through the web portal interface, interactive Jupyter notebooks, and command line tools.

Hosts: Krishna Kumar and Scott Brandenberg


12:00Lunch (Centennial Ballroom)
1:00Session 9
  • "Using ATC-138 to Inform Functional Recovery Design Provisions." Kristen Blowes
  • "Improving Recovery Time Consequence Models in Regional Risk Assessment by Leveraging High-fidelity Building-Specific Recovery Simulations." Pouria Kourehpaz
  • "How to create useful and usable surrogate models for earthquake engineering – status quo, limitations, and opportunities." Sang-ri Yi
  • "Simulating the socio-technical interactions for community disaster recovery." Ting-Hsiang Tseng
  • "Quantification of Resilience Using Resilience Deficit Index." Rohit Ranjan Singh


  • "Nonstationary joint probability analysis of coastal wind and flood hazards under climate change impact." Yiming Jia
  • "Knowledge-Enhanced Deep Learning for Hurricane Track Synthesis under Changing Climate." Teng Wu
  • "Future shifts in tropical cyclone risks across the US due to storm climatology change and socioeconomic growth." Avantika Gori
  • "Identifying, measuring, and managing socioeconomic impacts of floods amid climate change." Yuki Miura
  • "Multi-level Probabilistic Resilience Assessment for Bridges under Hurricanes." Shiwei Meng
  • "Integrated Framework for Coastal Community Resilience to Storm Events: A Case Study of the Galveston Testbed." Kooshan Amini


  • "Hercules 2.0: A Powerful Regional Earthquake Simulator with Expanded Capabilities." Chu-Han (Clifford) Yen
  • "Deep Learning-based Digital Twin Models for Real-time Monitoring of Onshore Wind Turbines." Minhyeok Ko
  • "Innovative Research Workflow for Seismic Design Provisions Development." Shitao Shi
  • "Validated numerical modeling of coastal groundwater variability and response to tides and sea level rise at Cardiff State Beach." Margit Maple
  • "RTHS of a 3 story MRF-DBF frame with soil-structure interaction using neural networks." Faisal Nissar Malik
  • "Neural network aided real-time model updating of digital twins in Real-Time Hybrid Simulations." James Ricles


This session will highlight datasets that have been collected through NSF support RAPID projects using the NHERI RAPID Facility’s equipment and resources. The hosts will highlight four data sets that may be of particular interest to the research community, including two that focus on wildfires that impacted the wildland urban interface (the Camp and Marshall fires). Each dataset contains a combination 3D point clouds that have been derived from images or obtained with lidar. Several also contain images captured via 3D street view type camera systems. For each data set the hosts will present background material on the projects and natural hazards involved, identify where the datasets can be obtained (DesignSafe), and discuss how the datasets may be used for future research. The session will also highlight powerful open source tools that are available for interrogating point clouds and the maps that DesignSafe has enabled to help visualize the datasets before downloading them. Attendees will come away with an understanding of how to access and use these amazing point-in-time models of communities following natural disasters to further their own research.

Hosts: Jeffrey Berman (University of Washington), Karen Dedinsky (University of Washington), Erzhuo Che (Oregon State University)


2:20Session 10
  • "Functional Recovery of Bridge Networks: Framework Development and Implementation." Chenhao Wu
  • "Enhanced Methods for Residential Building Stock Inventory Development for Seismic Assessment in California." Mia Lochhead
  • "Comparison of Detailed and Simplified Seismic Loss Estimate Methodologies and their Sensitivity to Analysis Choices for a Steel Building Inventory." Shivalinga Baddipalli
  • "Influence of Damage Modeling Uncertainty on Assessment of Structural Collapse under Dynamic Earthquake Loading." Aman Karki
  • "Modeling residual drifts: Recent improvements, challenges and opportunities." Adam Zsarnóczay
  • "Adaptive Gaussian Process Surrogate Modeling for Efficient Iterative Bayesian Calibration of Expensive Numerical Models." Aakash Bangalore Satish


  • "Multi-Hazard Non-Relational Database for Disaster Impact Predictive Modeling." Henry Burton
  • "Relational Databases for Accessible, AI-ready Data Dissemination." Scott Brandenberg
  • "Relational Database for Analyzing Biocemented Sand in Seismic Mitigation." Piyush Vyas
  • "Promoting Data Reuse in Computational Simulation Workflows in Natural Hazards Engineering." Tracy Kijewski-Correa
  • "Data-Driven Frameworks for Global Storm Surge Prediction." Carlos del-Castillo-Negrete
  • "What Makes Natural Hazards Data AI-Ready?." Maria Esteva


  • "Generating Synthetic Power Distribution Inventory for Regional Risk Assessment." Neetesh Sharma
  • "Synthesizing drinking water distribution networks based on readily available data ." Emma Russin
  • "Time-series clustering method reveals key properties of power system resilience curves." Bo Li
  • "Integration of REWET into R2D Tool, Alameda Case Study." Sina Naeimi
  • "Simulating Communities using Hetero-Functional Graph Theory: An Interconnected Model of Physical, Social, Economic and Governance Systems." Amin Enderami


3:40Session 11 (Centennial Ballroom)
  •  "Hurricane Simulation for Community Risk Assessment: Collaborations Across Industry, Academia, and Government." Lauren Mudd
  • "Success Stories from NSF Computing Infrastructure Supporting NOAA National Ocean Service Coastal Modeling Initiatives." Saeed Moghimi
  • "Benchmarking the performance of alternative strategies for gaining computational efficiency in regional seismic risk and resilience assessments." Henry Burton

