NHERI Computational Symposium

February 5-7, 2025

Software Spotlight: BRAILS and R2D for Regional Inventory Generation and Risk Analysis

Session 3D: Centennial Ballroom, 1pm Hosts: Barbaros Cetiner & Jinyan Zhao


This session provides an overview of the BRAILS and R2D tools developed by SimCenter, highlighting their individual capabilities and how they can be integrated for comprehensive natural hazard loss assessments. BRAILS is a powerful computational engine designed to automatically generate detailed inventories of building and infrastructure elements. R2D is a desktop software application that integrates BRAILS and other tools/libraries for characterizing hazard events and simulating damage and losses across large inventories of buildings and civil infrastructure. Recent enhancements have expanded the capabilities of both BRAILS and R2D to assess the post-disaster performance of transportation and lifeline infrastructure systems and simulate community recovery. Through user experiences, this session will highlight how BRAILS and R2D support research and teaching in regional natural hazard simulation and assessment, offering powerful tools for improving resilience and risk evaluation.


1:00 - 1:05: Welcome and Introductions

1:05 - 1:15: Introduction to BRAILS

1:15 - 1:25: Introduction to R2D

1:25 - 1:50: R2D User Experiences

  • Luis Ceferino, Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley
    • Teaching Module: Hurricane Risk Modeling for Power Systems
    • Research Opportunities
  • Christina Sanon, Graduate Student Researcher, Tufts University
    • A Personal Journey with R2D: Insights
  • Brianna Hansen, Graduate Student Researcher, University of Washington
    • Seismic Assessment of Highway Bridges on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State
  • Tinger Zhu, Graduate Student Researcher, Stanford University
    • Impact of Transportation Disruptions on Regional Economic Recovery

1:50 - 2:00: BRAILS User Experiences

  • Annette Roberts, Predictive Analytics Director, EMC Insurance
    • Using BRAILS for Augmenting Insurance Exposure Data
  • Jeffrey Berman, Professor, University of Washington
    • Automating Feature Extraction from NHERI RAPID Data with BRAILS

2:00 - 2:20: Discussion